Contract disputes can be messy, time-consuming and expensive. Contract disputes can consist of simple errors in the contract, failure to establish a timeframe for performance, or, worse, a breach of contract. Most contract disputes are preventable but nothing is more...
Entering a contract or starting a business is challenging. CTHG transactional lawyers help our clients make the best business decisions possible. No matter what industry, a transactional lawyer plays an integral part in your decision-making so you can focus on what...
Handling your assets on your own is complicated, particularly when you don’t have a background in legal matters. It can be easier if you have a probate lawyer who is just one call away to process everything for you. Whether it’s your properties or your loved ones’, it...
A personal injury claim allows people to recover from sustained injuries caused by someone else’s negligent behavior. If you have been sued, seeking legal help is of utmost importance. Here are some of the common strategies a personal injury defense lawyer can use to...
Dealing with legal matters in any business can be a complicated task. Sometimes, disputes may arise when both parties disagree or if one party violates an agreement. This is where dispute resolution comes in. It is a process wherein both parties can settle any legal...
Probate is a legal process where the last will of a deceased person is determined valid and authentic by the court. During this process, the court appoints an executor who will ensure that all the deceased’s final bills and taxes are paid and the estate’s...